1What to Expect
Our Public Sails are open to participants of all ages. No sailing experience is required. They are a perfect way to explore Puget Sound and learn about our unique marine environment while sailing aboard the historic schooner Adventuress. Our Public Sail schedule can be found by clicking here.

Participants are encouraged to participate in the sailing of the vessel as much as they are interested and able—by hauling on lines, singing sea chanteys, and taking a turn at the helm. One of our educators will also present an optional lesson on such topics as plankton, ocean acidification, and marine ecology.

Please note that there is a ladder of about six rungs to board the ship and a near vertical companionway to reach the heads (marine toilets) below decks. Crew can provide assistance if needed.

Adventuress can carry a maximum of 45 participants and 15 crew.
2What to Bring
Please wear closed toed shoes and bring warm layers. Rain gear is recommended if there is rain in the forecast. The deckhouse and main cabin are terrific places to get out of the weather if need be.

Coffee, tea, and water are provided on board; you are welcome to bring any snacks and non-alcoholic beverages that you would like. Due to its youth education mission, please keep in mind that Adventuress is a dry ship.

Our vessel carries 60 Type 1 PFDs or lifejackets. Because we are a USCG inspected passenger-carrying vessel operating on the navigable waters of the United States, participants are not required to wear a life jacket during our programs (similar to a ferry).
1What to Expect
At the beginning of the voyage, you will be assigned to a Watch—a small team of about eight people. The Watch will be led by two Watch Leaders. You will work with this group as you learn about sail preparation, sailing, and the marine environment of Puget Sound. We also do activities together as a large group.

We are often asked what participants will do each day. Our experience has been that each trip and each day are different. Our program and schedule are often based on the winds, currents, and tides. We don’t plan a set itinerary because we find that it limits program possibilities and does not make the best use of a sailing vessel. Some days we may get up earlier in order to catch a tide or sail later in the evening to make use of a wind pattern. Schedule and routines are adjusted to take advantage of the weather. In general, though, our days resemble the following:

The Morning: Days begin with a morning wake-up call at 0700. Breakfast is around 0800. Each Watch will have a different morning chore assignment after breakfast. The different chores for the morning include preparing and cleaning up breakfast, cleaning below decks and topsides, and preparing the sails and deck.

The Day: During the day, you’ll spend most of your time with your Watch Group. Your Watch Leaders and other crew members will help you learn new sailing skills and share their knowledge of Puget Sound. You’ll be responsible for sailing the ship for a portion of the day and preparing and cleaning up one meal per day. You’ll prepare presentations and activities for the evening program. You may have some free time each day for reading, naps, journaling, and other personal needs.

The Evening: When we get to our destination for the day, we drop anchor, tidy the ship, and eat dinner. Evenings are a time for the whole group to gather in the main cabin to share an evening program. The program may consist of songs, stories, or other group activities. “Lights out” is at 2200 and the ship is quiet all night. Each Watch is responsible for keeping an eye on the ship for a one-hour Anchor Watch—staying awake to make sure the ship is safe. This is a wonderful time to enjoy the peaceful beauty of a tall ship at anchor in Puget Sound: stars, sounds of night animals, and glowing plankton in the water. All Anchor Watches are led by a qualified Watch Leader who will assist you in taking readings of the ship’s positions.

Click here to view the Overnight Participant Booklet.
2What to Bring
In addition to a sleeping bag and small pillow, participants should pack rain gear and layers of warm-when-wet fabrics like wool, polypropylene, and synthetic fleece, which will help you keep up with changing conditions. Expect to get dirty and wet; don’t bring anything too elegant, but focus on functional clothing. If possible, gear should be packed in a small bag that will fit in your bunk when we stow luggage each morning to free up the cabins for daytime activities.

You can find a full packing list on page 4 of the packet linked again here click here.
3What You'll Eat
The menu aboard Adventuress is wholesome, varied, and family style. We serve only vegetarian food due to the nature of our galley, which has limited cold-storage space. Eating lower on the food chain is also consistent with our mission. We are also able to turn all of our food waste into compost for local farms.

Typical breakfasts include such fare as oatmeal and egg dishes. Lunches are often soup, sandwiches, and salad. Dinners may include such entrees as casseroles, pasta, pizza, or chili with a salad or vegetable side. Besides breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there’s usually an afternoon snack, as well as additional snack food available upon request from your Watch Leader or the Galley Coordinator. 

Please let us know in advance concerning any special dietary restrictions so that we can pass this information on to our Galley Coordinator with plenty of time for menu planning and food purchasing. Although we can accommodate many dietary needs by providing vegetarian, non-dairy, gluten-free, and low-salt options, some food allergies are difficult to accommodate aboard a ship, and we cannot make absolute guarantees. We ask that you don’t bring additional snacks, but please contact the office if you have concerns or special dietary requests. We are happy to discuss possible options with you.